Biceps Tendonitis

Like rotator cuff syndrome and impingement syndrome, biceps tendonitis can present with anterior shoulder pain, that can radiate down the front of your arm. The tendon, which connects the muscle to the bone, becomes irritated and inflamed for various reasons-often from repetitive overhead use.  The tendon anchors on the superior aspect of the glenoid fossa of the scapula (in the shoulder joint), and can become pinched in the subacromial space. Poor biomechanics, and poor posture are often key contributors to this injury.  Like each diagnoses, this dysfunction will have specific rehabilitation components to aid in optimal recovery.

Associated Symptoms:

  • Anterior shoulder pain, that may or may not radiate into the biceps.
  • Pain with lifting arm, potentially worse with overhead lifting.
  • Pain lifting objects by bending the elbow
  • Pain with reaching behind your back
  • Pain lying on the affected side
  • Shoulder stiffness
  • Shoulder popping or clicking