Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The iliotibial (IT) band is made of thick connective tissue that runs from the hip bones, with attachments to the tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus, down the outside of your leg to just below the knee cap on the tibia.  The IT bands helps to flex, abduct and laterally rotate the thigh, as well as extend the knee while adding stability to the joint.  As the knee goes from bent to straight the IT band goes from behind the lateral condyle of the femur (bony prominence on outside of knee) to the front of the condyle.  Repetitive flexion/extension (i.e. running) of the knee can cause friction and can lead to inflammation, and pain in the tendon.  Often times increased muscle tightness, poor biomechanics with running, and specific muscle weakness can lead to IT band syndrome. Our staff at Portland Physical Therapy are trained to evaluate and treat each issue, to reduce symptoms and return our patients to their prior level of function. 

Associated Symptoms:

  • Lateral knee pain
  • Knee Swelling
  • Clicking/popping around knee
  • Pain with running
  • Pain with walking
  • Stiffness in knee
  • Tenderness to palpation down outside of leg and lateral knee