Quadriceps Strain/Pull

The quadriceps are a group of four muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius) that sit on the front of you thigh and extend (straighten) your knee.  Like any soft tissue, if overworked, or overstretched the muscle fibers can become strained, or torn to various degrees. This may manifest in bruising and swelling of the front of your thigh.  A mild strain should improve with rest, ice, and mild stretching.  If the problem persists, skilled physical therapy can rehabilitate the muscle tissue to reduce pain, improve flexibility, improve strength and functional mobility.

Associated Symptoms:

  • Anterior thigh pain
  • Anterior thigh bruising, swelling
  • Difficulty walking, ascending/descending stairs
  • Difficulty squatting
  • Anterior thigh tender to touch
  • Tightness in anterior thigh
  • Difficulty bending knee