Shoulder Bursitis

A bursa is a fluid filled sac that sits between muscles/tendons and the bone.  The bursa helps to reduce frictions, and allows for continuous, smooth movement without injury to the involved structures.  However, the bursa can become irritated and inflamed causing issues.  Because of the inflammatory nature of this condition, there can be observable swelling around the affected area. The shoulder complex has six bursae that could become irritated. Early therapy should include rest, and ice (as tolerated). Poor posture and movement patterns are often contributing factors in causing bursitis.  Our staff are trained to perform a comprehensive shoulder assessment to determine the causes of dysfunction.  They develop a treatment plan targeted at your specific impairments, to produce timely and lasting results. 

Associated Symptoms:

  • Shoulder pain
  • Swelling
  • Difficulty lifting the arm
  • Pain lying on the affected side.
  • Shoulder stiffness
  • Shoulder popping or clicking