The gluteus medius is a muscle on the posterior, lateral part of our hip joint that connect to the leg at the greater trochanter (boney prominence on side of hip). The muscle helps to abduct (pull leg out to side) the leg when in opened chain, and helps to stabilize the hips when in closed chain. This muscle plays an important role in hip stability while we stand and walk, and because of this it experiences significant wear and tear. The tendon can become chronically inflamed, which may lead to a tear. If the tear does not respond to conservative treatments, then a surgeon may elect to repair it.
The early phases of therapy will consist of gentle range of motion, scar tissue management, muscle activation, swelling and pain reduction, and gait training with use of crutches. When appropriate, we will be able to introduce more advanced strengthening exercises, and progress weight bearing as tolerated. When we have accomplished full weight bearing we can introduce closed-kinetic chain exercises, including gait training, strengthening and balance exercises. The latter part of our care will focus on activity specific exercises, depending on what your daily routine demands of you.