Achilles Tendon Repair
The Achilles tendon is a thick band of connective tissue that attaches the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to the heel of the foot. These muscles, via way of the tendon, help to point the foot down, or more importantly help the foot push off while walking. Because the tendon is used so often, it can become irritated and inflamed. Chronic inflammation can lead to damage to the tendon tissue, which make it more susceptible to injury. If significant forces are placed through the tendon and it becomes partially or fully torn, surgical intervention may be needed to fix it.
Following surgery there will be a period of immobilizations and non-weight bearing while the tendon heals. Once released to physical therapy, our early efforts will be focused on regaining range of motions, reducing swelling, and activating musculature. We will progress weight bearing as tolerated during the appropriate time, and transition to closed-kinetic chain exercises, including balance exercises. As weight bearing normalizes, we will perform functional exercises with an emphasis on proper biomechanics.
Associated Symptoms:
- Ankle/Foot pain
- Swelling
- Decreased range of motion
- Difficulty walking
- Impaired balance
- Stiffness