Lumbar radiculopathy refers to irritation or compression of the nerve root where it branches off the spinal cord. Damage to the nerve in this area can cause symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, pain, and/or weakness, that can radiate down the legs. The nerve can become irritated from chemicals associated with inflammation, or compressed from narrowing of the foramen (holes where nerves exit spinal column), disc bulge/herniation or bone spurring. The symptoms can be intermittent or constant, and can change in severity. Long standing disruption of the nerve can lead to permanently altered sensation, or weakness, and for this reason it is important to be evaluated by a practitioner to help determine the severity of your condition. Our practitioners use neurological signs to determine the extent of nerve damage by testing your myotomes (muscle strength), deep tendon reflexes, and sensation. If treatment is indicated, they will use these signs to retest to determine if treatment is helping. The nerves in our body are very sensitive to compression or irritation, and take a while to heal, but when put in the right situation they will improve.