Dry Needling

Trigger point dry needling is a technique that uses a monofilament needle, similar to an acupuncture needle, to release trigger points in the muscles. Trigger points, also known as a knot in the muscle, can occur for a variety of reason, including: overuse, trauma, strain, and maximal contractions and sub-maximal sustained contractions. Once a trigger point is created, it can be difficult to release on its own. There are chemically mediated changes that occur within the trigger points, which can cause the muscle to stay tight, and the patient to feel a variety of symptoms, including pain. These trigger points also inhibit muscular function, which means that these muscles are not working at their optimal level.


How does dry needling work?

Our physical therapist, who is a fully certified myofascial trigger point therapist, performs an examination to determine what tissue(s) are involved. If it is determined that trigger points are contributing to the dysfunction, and the patient consents to treatment, trigger point dry needling is performed. The practitioner will use their hands to palpate the trigger point, then places the needle into the trigger point to get it to release. After the trigger points have been released, our therapist performs hands on therapy to stretch the newly released muscles. They also guide the patient in the appropriate exercises to help reestablish proper muscle activation patterns. 

For more information about trigger point dry needling, check out our video below answering some of the most common questions.